
Scholarship Information

Drury University > Financial Aid > Scholarship Information

What type of student are you?

Traditional Day School College: Freshman

Incoming Freshman Scholarship Information

Next Steps

  1. Apply and be accepted to the university to find eligibility and amount. The merit scholarship is an auto-renewable award based on a combination of GPA and pathway score (test or essay). No additional paperwork is necessary.
  2. File your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as you can. Missouri residents should file before the February 1 deadline for the AccessMO Grant. Read more about the FAFSA.
  3. Students are welcome to send updated test-scores for the opportunity at a higher academic scholarship through December of senior year.
  4. Receive your personal financial aid award packet in early spring. Discuss your scholarships and financial aid awards with your Drury admission counselor to have all of your questions answered.
  5. Apply for any additional outside scholarships.
  6. Apply for any additional loans if necessary.

Academic Scholarships

Use Our Scholarship Calculator

At Drury, we are committed to helping you maximize your financial aid awards and to making the process as simple as possible. We’ve created this calculator to show you an estimate on how much your academic scholarship will be at Drury. The Admission Office will award you a scholarship based on your GPA and Pathway Score, nearly everyone qualifies! For the 2025-2026 academic year these will range from $17,000 to $24,000. Once you’re admitted, your admission counselor will provide that amount to you. We are pleased to continue to award our IB diploma candidates the top scholarship at $24,000. Please consider applying for additional scholarships below.

Art Activity Award

Athletic Activity Award

Dual Credit Scholarship

  • Apply and be accepted to Drury University
    • List on your application that you’re taking or have taken Drury University Dual Credit
  • Amount $1,000
  • This scholarship is only available for domestic first-time in college applicants
  • Take or have taken DU Dual Credit classes during or prior to first semester senior year.

Legacy Scholarships

  • A $1000 legacy scholarship is awarded for those who have family members that have graduated from Drury or are currently attending Drury.
  • To qualify, check the box on your application and enter your family member’s name.

Music, Marching Band, Theatre, and Color Guard Activity Awards

Meador Center Local Community Engagement Scholarship

Meador Center Pre-Law Scholarship

Meador Center Study Abroad Scholarship

Meador Scholar Award

Priority Deadline Scholarship

  • Complete the online application for admission
  • This scholarship is only available for domestic first-time in college applicants
  • Visit Drury’s campus through our Campus Visit Program
    • For eligibility for this scholarship, your visit must be completed between the spring semester of Junior year through December 15th of your senior year.

Traditional Day School College: Transfer

Incoming Transfer Scholarship Information

Next Steps

  1. Apply and be accepted to the university to automatically be eligible for Drury’s academic scholarships. No additional paperwork is necessary. (See chart below for details)
  2. File your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible after December 1.
  3. Receive your personal financial aid award packet in early February. Discuss your scholarships and financial aid awards with your Drury admission counselor to have all of your questions answered.
  4. Apply for any additional outside scholarships
  5. Apply for any additional loans if necessary

Academic Scholarship

At Drury, we are committed to helping you maximize your financial aid awards and to making the process as simple as possible. We’ve created the following grid to show you exactly how much your academic scholarship will be at Drury. If you’re planning to start at Drury in the Spring semester, and/or if you’ve completed fewer than 30 college credit hours, please contact your Admission Counselor for your academic scholarship amount.

If you have already completed 30 or more college credit hours, use your college GPA to determine your academic scholarship on the chart below.

Transfer Scholarship Grid 2025-2026 Academic Year

 30+ completed college credit hours
Transfer GPA 3.6+


$22,000/ year

Transfer GPA 3.3-3.59


$20,000/ year

Transfer GPA 3.0-3.29


$17,000/ year

* If only one semester out of HS, use First-Time Freshman grid

Due to NCAA bylaws, some incoming student-athletes who receive an athletic scholarship may not be eligible for the awards below. Please consult your recruiting coach concerning the availability of these scholarships.

Stackable Scholarships
In addition to your academic scholarship, you might also qualify for various awards and need-based aid from Drury that can be stacked on top of your academic scholarship. These awards are gifts of money that do not need to be repaid after graduation.

Transfer students can apply for any of the additional scholarships available to Traditional First Time Freshman aside from the Priority Deadline Scholarship. However, we would be glad to award you a $1,000 Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship. Please see eligibility for PTK:

  •  A minimum of 3.5 GPA and 30 credit hours at a community college are required.
  • Must be a member of Phi Theta Kappa in good standing.
  • Proof of membership should be provided to your admission counselor in writing upon completion of your application for admission – this can be emailed or uploaded into your admission portal.

Traditional Day School: International Student

Incoming International Scholarship Information

At Drury, we are committed to helping you maximize your financial aid awards and to making the process as simple as possible. We’ve created the following grid to show you exactly how much your academic scholarship will be at Drury.
Important Reminders

  • Students must be formally admitted to Drury in order to be considered for any Drury scholarships
  • Scholarships are renewable providing the following criteria are met:
    • The student maintains satisfactory academic progress as defined by the U.S. Federal Government each year (refer to the individual scholarship listing for requirements)
    • The student has carried a full load each semester (minimum of 12 hours)
  • If the above criteria are met, the award will be renewed at the end of each academic year for a maximum of 4 years (or 5 years for architecture & accounting majors) or upon completion of the bachelor’s degree, whichever is first
  • Scholarships are not negotiable
  • Additional scholarships are not available after a student’s arrival
  • Scholarships are first applied to tuition, then toward the student’s housing

Next Steps

    1. Apply and be accepted to the university to automatically be eligible for Drury’s academic international scholarship. No additional paperwork is necessary. (See chart below for details.)

Academic Scholarship

        • Apply and be accepted to Drury University
        • This scholarship is automatically awarded based on transcript and English proficiency score
        • No separate application needed

International Scholarship Grid for incoming Fall 2025- Spring 2026 Academic Year

High School GPA Only 1 Test Required Value
 GPA 3.5+ TOEFL 90
SAT/ACT 1220/29


per year

GPA 3.0+ TOEFL 80
SAT/ACT 1110/25


per year

 GPA 3.0+ TOEFL 62
SAT/ACT 1000/21


per year

International Baccalaureate
per year

* for FTIC and transfers attending foreign universities
* NCAA athletes have to take the Toefl, SAT, ACT, or IELTS
Due to NCAA bylaws, some incoming student-athletes who receive an athletic scholarship may not be eligible for the awards below. Please consult your recruiting coach concerning the availability of these scholarships.

Available Scholarships

Scholarships are for the 2025-2026 academic recruiting year and are subject to change.

International Baccalaureate Scholarship

      • $24,000 annual award
      • Awarded to students who have completed the requirements and have or will receive an International Baccalaureate diploma
      • This scholarship will replace any Dean’s Presidential or Trustee scholarship
      • How to apply
        • Apply and be accepted to Drury University
        • Submit proof of completion of the IB diploma

Stackable Scholarships
In addition to your guaranteed academic scholarship, you might also qualify for various awards and need-based aid from Drury that can be stacked on top of your guaranteed scholarship. These awards are gifts of money that do not need to be repaid after graduation.

Art Activity Award

Athletic Activity Award

Endowed Scholarships

      • Apply and be accepted to Drury University

Legacy Scholarships

  • A $1000 legacy scholarship is awarded for those who have family members that have graduated from Drury or are currently attending Drury.

Music, Marching Band, Theatre, and Color Guard Activity Awards

Meador Center Local Community Engagement Scholarship

Meador Center Pre-Law Scholarship

Meador Center Study Abroad Scholarship

Meador Scholar Award

Breakthrough Diversity Scholarship

Breakthrough Diversity Scholarship

Drury University is committed to inclusion and racial justice.  This scholarship is designed to increase educational opportunities for minorities, with supportive enrichment programming to ensure students are successfully integrated into campus life.  Through guided campus involvement, service, and leadership, these students contribute to a dynamic and diverse student body.

The Breakthrough Scholarship will be awarded to graduating high school students who exhibit solid academic performance and demonstrate active engagement in extracurricular activities. We believe that a combination of academic excellence and extracurricular involvement reflects a holistic approach to student success. The scholarship recipients should embody the values of leadership, service, and a commitment to contributing positively to their community. Students must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible.

The scholarship is designed to contribute to the ethnic, socio-economic, and cultural diversity of the Drury University student body.

You may Apply Here for the Breakthrough Diversity Scholarship. The application deadline is January 15, 2025. Please contact Chris Carr for additional information.

Learn more about our Office of Diversity and Inclusion.

Traditional Day School: Current Student

Returning Student Scholarship Information

Greek Life Scholarships

New Member Scholarships

  • Award value is $250
  • One-time distribution of funds
  • Award funds assist with Greek Life membership fees
  • Award funds are distributed to Greek chapter financial account in the fall semester following the award announcement
  • One award given each year
  • Review information and submit application

Ronald A. Neville Outstanding Greek Service Scholarship

  • Award value is $2500
  • One-time distribution of funds
  • Award funds assist with Drury University Tuition & Drury University Fees
  • Award funds are distributed to Drury University Student Account in the fall semester following the award announcement
  • Review information and submit application

Meador Center Scholarships

Meador Center Local Community Engagement Scholarship

Meador Center Pre-Law Scholarship

Meador Center Study Abroad Scholarship

Meador Scholar Award

Drury GO Student

Scholarships are a form of financial aid that does not have to be paid back so they are a great way to fund your education. Drury GO offers a number of scholarships that you may qualify for.

To be eligible for any of our scholarships, you must do the following in addition to any scholarship specific application requirements:

  • Complete the FAFSA
  • Be admitted and in good academic standing
  • Apply before the drop/add date for the applicable term
  • Use only one scholarship each term
  • Additional rules and limitations may apply

View Drury GO Scholarships

Graduate Student