Sociology involves the systematic study of behavior in human social systems, varying from small groups to large societies. In addition to course offerings, departmental majors are encouraged to work in community, social and/or correctional agencies where they can apply classroom knowledge to real problems. Students interested in pursuing a graduate degree are encouraged to complete the department’s minor in Advanced Scientific Analysis.
In addition to courses, you are encouraged to work in community, social and/or correctional agencies where you can apply classroom knowledge to real problems. Most recently, our students have interned at:
Upon graduation, nearly 100% of our students who apply are accepted to attend graduate, law, or medical school. Recently, our students have chosen to study at such places as:
Students who major in sociology are well prepared for jobs across a broad spectrum of agencies and organizations. In fact, coursework that examines a range of social factors and fosters expertise in research methodologies and statistical analyses provides sociologists with an advantage over non-behavioral science, liberal arts majors when applying for various forms of employment. While a portion of sociology graduates seek jobs in family-related social service fields, other seek jobs as:
Additional information about jobs in sociology can be found at the American Sociological Association’s career page.
For those interested in obtaining employment within the state of Missouri, you may find the Missouri Jobs website helpful.
Agency/organizations sometimes offer valuable information about employment as well. If you know (or think you know) where you would like to work, explore these unique agency websites.
The sociology major requires 44 credit hours of coursework.
Students should complete all 100-and 200‐level requirements before accumulating 60 credit hours (junior status). All prerequisites must be completed prior to enrollment in the following courses. Co-requisites must be taken during the same semester.
It is essential that students complete BSCI 109, BSCI 200, BSCI 275, and BSCI 275-L before taking BSCI 359.
Those students who fail or do not successfully complete BSCI 359 will be removed from the Advanced Behavioral I and II course sequence. Students will not be allowed to register for and/or audit BSCI 361 during the following spring semester. Failing students must re-attempt the 359/361 sequence the following fall semester.
Those students who fail or do not successfully complete BSCI 361 must earn a passing grade in BSCI 343 in order to fulfill the university and department research requirement. The final grade awarded in BSCI 343 shall not replace any prior grade earned in BSCI 361.
Students enrolled in BSCI 493 are required to take a comprehensive examination over topics covered in the major as well as a nationally-normed exit exam.
Choose Three (at least two must be SOCI courses)