
Panhellenic Judicial: Council Judicial Board Operational Guide

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The Panhellenic Judicial: Council Judicial Board Operational Guide is used by the Panhellenic Vice President of Standards and the Council Judicial Board during the hearing to provide a basic guide for hearing operations.

Before the Hearing

  • Review all documents and relevant background information and check the chronological sequence of events
  • Establish a typing recorder whose active chapter in not involved in the hearing (they should bring their laptop)
  • Establish major areas of questioning, decide specific questions to ask, who should ask them, and in what order

Hearing Set-Up Basics

  • Council Judicial Board seated at head table
  • Junior Panhellenic Officers and Panhellenic Advisor seated at foot table
  • Reporting Chapter seated at CJB left
  • In Question Chapter seated at CJB right

Representatives Basics

  • Chapters involved must have equal representation during the hearing
    • Three representatives guaranteed: Chapter President, one Chapter Officer, one Chapter Alumna (exact replacements allowed based on availability)
    • Up to five representatives allowed total
    • Witnesses do not count as representatives, but witness participation may be limited
  • Chapter representatives must arrive before CJB hearing doors are closed, once doors are closed, no chapter representatives or witnesses may enter hearing location

During the Hearing

  • Panhellenic Advisor closes hearing room door
  • Welcome everyone by reading CJB Opening Statement
    • “This is the Panhellenic Council Judicial Board call to order. Hello, my name is ______________ and I serve as the Panhellenic Council Vice President of Standards. One of my responsibilities in this position is to serve as the Panhellenic Judicial Chairperson. We are meeting today to review a pending case that has been brought before the Panhellenic Council Judicial Board. Let’s begin by stating persons present today. We will begin with the Recruitment Counselors, followed by Junior Panhellenic officers and the Panhellenic Advisor, then representatives from the reporting chapter and finish with representatives from the chapter in question. Please state your first and last name and your council and/or chapter office.”
  • Everyone present clearly states first name, last name, chapter/council and chapter/council office for recording purposes
  • Outline Judicial Process by reading the CJB Judicial Process Statement:
    • “We will follow standard procedures today for the hearing; I will open by reviewing relevant documents and information relating to this case. Once I have finished, the reporting chapter will have an opportunity to present their opening statements. Once they’ve finished, the in question chapter will have an opportunity to present their opening statements. After both chapters have presented, the floor will be opened for questions from Panhellenic council representatives and either party.”“We ask that while someone is speaking, the floor remains silent. If you have additional information to present or a question to ask, you must write it down and wait for your turn. Once the Panhellenic Council Judicial Board feels that it has heard enough relevant information pertaining to the case, a representative will cease discussion. At this time, each chapter will have one final chance to present any closing statements, first the reporting chapter and then the in question chapter.”“After all statements have concluded, all representatives will leave the room and wait in the hallway. This includes the Junior Panhellenic officers and the Panhellenic Advisor. No discussion will take place without the presence of the CJB, but each group will remain for additional questions, if needed. ““The Council Judicial Board will discuss relevant information and reach an official decision regarding the case. The reporting chapter will leave the Judicial Board location as listed in the Panhellenic Judicial Process; by participating in the Council Judicial Hearing, the reporting chapter agrees that they will uphold Panhellenic’s decision and waives their right to an appeal. The in question chapter may be called back into the room for the official decision of the Panhellenic Council Judicial Board. An official decision letter will be provided to the in question chapter within 24 hours of the hearing.”“If at any time during the hearing your behavior is out-of-line, you may be asked to calm down or to leave the hearing location permanently. You will only receive one warning. If you are asked to leave by a member of Panhellenic council, you must immediately and silently leave the hearing location. Your behavior will be addressed separately.”
  • Ask if there are any questions about the judicial process by reading: “You may have questions about the Panhellenic Judicial Board Operational Process, we will address these questions at this time.”
  • Read the narrative portion of all reports filed that involve the incident in question
  • Review policy and/or rules that have allegedly been violated
  • Allow the reporting chapter and/or individual to present their side of the incident in an opening statement
  • Allow the in question chapter to present their side of the incident in an opening statement
  • Members of Panhellenic Council will ask any relevant and/or clarifying questions
  • Chapter members will have an opportunity to ask clarifying questions and/or provide additional information based on questions that have been asked during hearing
  • The reporting chapter will give a final statement
  • The in question chapter will give a final statement
  • Dismiss everyone from the room except the council judicial board (senior Panhellenic Officers)

Making a Decision

  • Both parties will wait outside the CJB room to answer any final questions of the CJB
  • Council Judicial Board checks written minutes for missing information
  • Board members write down their thoughts and reactions before speaking with each other
  • All board members should have an opportunity to share thoughts and reactions based on the relevant information
  • By vote determine whether or not the in question party is found to be responsible or not (75% passes vote)
    • If found responsible: CJB members propose, discuss and determine appropriate sanctions, assign a council member to assist Greek Life office to monitor the sanction until its completion (Vote required: sanction requires national office notification?)
    • If found NOT responsible: move to next step

Review Official Decision

    • When a decision is reached, the reporting chapter will be asked to leave.
    • When a decision is reached, the in question chapter may be called back into the room to review official decision, Panhellenic Council VP of Standards reviews the official decision by reading Official Decision Statement:
      • “The Panhellenic Council Judicial Board has reviewed relevant information and documents; heard testimonies presented during the hearing and reached an official decision. This incident was found to be (State one: in accordance with or directly in conflict with) policies of the Drury University Sorority Life community, specifically the Sorority Life Recruitment Policies. (State Policy Category, Description, Number & Text Here) Based on information presented during the Judicial Hearing and all relevant information relating to this case, the Panhellenic Council Judicial Board has confirmed (State one: your chapter will be cleared of all charges or the following sanctions will resolve this incident): (State Sanctions Here, if Applicable) Within 24 hours, you will receive your Panhellenic Council Judicial Board Official Decision Letter. You should read the entire letter, which will detail what we’ve just reviewed, and you may choose to accept or appeal the official decision of Panhellenic council. There will be no further discussion from the Panhellenic Council Judicial Board at this time. Thank you for your participation in this case; you are now dismissed.”
  • Panhellenic Council VP of Standards drafts and sends Official Decision Letter within 24 hours of CJB hearing decision and sends it to the in question chapter via email.

Hearing Confidentiality

    • Chapter members may ask questions regarding confidential decisions from judicial cases, in all circumstances; Panhellenic Officers should repeat Confidentiality Statement:
      • “Thank you for your interest in the Panhellenic Council Judicial Board case. Unfortunately, all information relating to the Panhellenic cases is confidential and can’t be shared.”