
Drury Non-Student Lease Agreement

Drury University > Housing & Residence Life > Housing Forms > Drury Non-Student Lease Agreement

As a Drury University staff/faculty, Drury-affiliated family member, or guest residing in campus housing, I understand that I must follow all federal, state, and local laws. In addition, as a resident of a college facility, I understand I am obligated to follow the same policies as the students in the building. I am responsible for reading and following all university policies outlined in the Community Standards Handbook available at Hard copies may be obtained at the Dean of Students office (FSC 201). I understand that failure to follow university policies may result in removal from campus accommodations. I agree that housing fees, and the cost of an optional meal plan, will be posted to my Drury account. If I do not have a Drury account, I agree to pay Drury Housing when the rent is due. Any damages to the unit beyond normal wear and tear will be charged. I may also be charged for lost keys or policy violations. I may use monies from federal funds, grants, loans, and other sources to pay these charges. I agree to pay interest of 1% per month, collection costs, and legal fees on unpaid balances. Short term housing is $25 per night.

The academic year rental charge for an apartment is available on our website at A meal plan is optional (sign up in the Housing office).