
DATSE Rural Schools Scholarship

Drury University > Graduate Studies > Master in Education Programs > DATSE Rural Schools Scholarship

Drury University’s School of Education and Child Development, in partnership with the College of Graduate Studies, recognize the importance of supporting rural schools throughout Missouri in filling special education classrooms with qualified teachers. The Drury Alternative Track in Special Education (DATSE) has had a long history of graduating well-prepared special education teachers that are passionate about improving outcomes for students with disabilities.

This master’s program is offered fully online, allowing candidates to remain in their current position within the school district, maximizing the real-life experience of what they are learning in their courses to the K-12 classroom experience. All coursework is aligned to state and national standards, with a focus on the evidence based and high-leverage practices needed in today’s K-12 classrooms to support diverse learners. Candidates enrolled in the DATSE may be employed as a paraprofessional or supported through provisional certification teaching students with mild/moderate cross-categorical disabilities.

Upon completion of the DATSE, candidates will earn a Master in Education and initial teacher certification in Mild/Moderate Cross-Categorical K-12 Special Education.

For more information on DATSE, qualifications, and to apply to the College of Graduate Studies click the button below:

Learn More About DATSE


Drury Alternative Track in Special Education (DATSE) Rural Schools Scholarship Details:

  • $1,500 Scholarship for the first academic year
  • Applied to student account in two increments ($750 applied to successful completion of first semester to include student being in good standing with the university. $750 applied to successful completion of second semester to include student being in good standing with the university)
  • Scholarship applies to newly admitted students only
  • Must meet all requirements to be admitted to the College of Graduate Studies and the Drury Alternative Track in Special Education (DATSE)
  • Must be currently employed as a paraprofessional in a rural school district in Missouri
  • Must be enrolled and application received by July 1

Eligible applicants are not guaranteed a scholarship. A limited number of scholarships are awarded on a first come, first served basis.

1. Please complete the application below by July 1.

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