
SLR Safety Information: Emergency Management Plan

Drury University > Life at Drury > Greek Life > SLR Safety Information: Emergency Management Plan

Chapter Safety Leadership Teams are responsible for the safety and well-being of the members and guests of your group.

In the event of an emergency, the members of your group will look to you for direction and leadership.  Chapter Safety Leadership Teams have the authority and the responsibility to order/direct members and guests for their own safety. 

The safety guidelines will assist chapter safety teams to adequately handle and account for all members and guests present during an emergency situation.

The following guidelines should become standard practice for the group leader for every meeting or event:

  1. Know the Area: Well before the start time of the meeting or group activity take some time to familiarize yourself with the layout of the room or area.  Pay attention to emergency exits, telephones, doorways to the room, windows, objects that could be used as weapons or items that could become flying debris in high winds.
  2. Read Emergency Plans: Locate the Campus Emergency Response Plans and review them.  Write down the phone numbers for Campus Safety and Security:  873-7400, 873-7911.
  3. Locate Emergency Resources: Locate the fire extinguishers, fire alarm pull stations and any medical equipment such as First Aid Kits or Automatic Electronic Defibrillators.
  4. Locate Exits: Locate the building entrances, emergency exits, stairwells and rooms that could be used as a safe haven for a variety of possible emergencies.  Generally rooms that have no glass windows and are located in the lower level in an interior wall are best for safe havens against tornadoes.  Your building should have designated tornado shelter areas but locate alternatives in case they are full.  For an active shooter it is generally best to remain in the room you are already in as long as it can be locked from the inside and does not allow the shooter to easily see inside.  See additional information below for tornadoes and active shooters.
  5. Designate an Emergency Assistant: Either before or at the beginning of the meeting, select an individual to act as your assistant during an emergency.  This person will be available to help you control group members, give instructions, make phone calls, lead group members to safe havens, take note of who is present and a variety of other tasks that may arise.
  6. Designate an Evacuation Route: At the beginning of the meeting inform the group of the designated evacuation route and safe havens, as well as the nearest telephone, fire extinguisher, fire alarm pull stations and medical equipment.  Ask for a show of hands of people who are EMTs, First Responders or CPR certified.
  7. Know Siren Sounds: Inform the group of the two types of siren sounds on campus and what they mean.  A long, continuous siren indicates an active shooter is on campus.  However, because the siren rotates around a pole it may sound like the tone goes up and down in pitch or gets loud and then quieter and then loud again.  A series of shorter, intermittent blasts indicates a tornado warning. The siren will continue in this fashion for 3 minutes and then turn off for 3 minutes before starting again.
  8. Take Attendance: In order to ensure you have an accurate number wait until about ten minutes after the meeting has started then count how many personnel are present.  Be sure to tell your assistant the number of personnel in order to maintain accountability in the event of an evacuation.
  9. Take Immediate Action: If an emergency occurs take immediate action.  Quick thinking and making a decision, even if it isn’t thoroughly analyzed, is better than doing nothing or getting into a debate with members of your group.  Consult your assistant if necessary and then give the order to the group members.  Remember, you are in charge and they are expecting you to tell them what to do.
  10. Stick to the Plan: Resist all attempts by members of your group to take action on their own or leave the group.  Do not physically restrain them if they insist on leaving, but be sure to advise them that there is a plan and that it is in their best interest to adhere to it.
  11. Give First Aid: If the emergency is medical in nature, give immediate First Aid with the assistance of those individuals you identified at the beginning of the meeting.  Have your assistant call Campus Safety and Security at 873-7400 or 873-7911.  Be sure to tell the Security staff the name of the building and the room number you are located in.  Use your judgment as to whether to call the ambulance directly yourself.  Security staff will meet the ambulance and direct them to your building, which can save time upon the ambulances’ arrival to campus.  The dispatcher may not know which building to send the ambulance to, and this may cause a delay in the medical response time.

Safety Inspection Assessment Guidelines & Process
The Safety Inspection Assessment is used to ensure safe conditions for potential members, members and guests during Recruitment events. 

The House/Suite Manager and/or Risk Management Officer is responsible for completing this assessment each day before Recruitment events and reviewing the completed form with the Recruitment Counselor/Guides during the House/Suite Tour. 

The form should always be completed fully and accurately, in the event of an emergency, this form will be used to make immediate contacts and assist in resolving emergency situations.

Completed forms are submitted to the Greek Life Staff and remain on file for the duration of the Recruitment period.

Bomb Threat

Direct Telephone Bomb Threats
If a bomb threat is telephoned directly to the University, the person who received the call should do the following:

  • Keep the caller on the line as long as possible. Ask the caller to repeat the message. Make a record of every word spoken by the person on the phone. Do not hang up the phone. Emergency personnel will need the line open to attempt to trace the call.
  • If the caller does not indicate the location of the bomb or the possible time of detonation, ask for this information.
  • Inform the caller that the building is occupied and the detonation of a bomb could result in the death or serious injury of many innocent people.
  • Pay particular attention to peculiar background noises, such as motors running, background music, and any other noise that may give a clue as to the location of the caller.
  • Listen closely to the voice (male, female), voice quality (calm, excited), accents and speech impediments. Immediately after the caller hangs up, you should report this information to Drury Security. Since the law enforcement personnel will want to talk first-hand with the person who received the call, they should remain available until SPD arrives.
  • If someone other than the switchboard operator receives the call, report the call to Security immediately.

Indirect Telephone Bomb Threats
If a bomb threat against the University is received by a law enforcement agency such as the Treasury Department or the FBI, that agency will immediately contact the University. The switchboard will transfer the call to the Director of Security, who will initiate the appropriate form of action.

Written Threats
If a bomb threat is made through a written communication, the following steps should be taken:

  • Save all materials, including any envelope or container.
  • Once a message is recognized as a bomb threat, further unnecessary handling should be avoided.
  • Every possible effort must be made to retain evidence such as fingerprints, handwriting or typewriting, paper, and postal marks which are essential to tracing the threat and identifying the writer.

Bomb Threat Leadership Team
The safety leadership team is responsible for the training and execution of safety strategies relating to emergency situations.

  • Suite Chair: The suite chair leads members and guests from the suite to the safe location.
  • Risk Management Chair: The risk management chair assists the suite chair in leading members and guests from the suite to the safe location. The risk management chair is the last person to leave the suite.
  • Secretary: The secretary keeps attendance records on themselves at all times, and when the chapter reaches the safe location, takes attendance to verify all chapter members and guests are outside.
  • President: The chapter president oversees the evacuation strategy and assists the other members of the safety leadership team to ensure a smooth evacuation from the suite to the safe location. 

Bomb Threat Preparation & Review
The chapter safety leadership team reviews basic safety information in advance to prepare for any emergency situations. 

  • Review safety strategy and chapter safe location options
  • Practice safety strategy as a safety leadership team
  • Prepare chapter members by reviewing safety strategy during a chapter meeting
  • Remind chapter members to follow chapter safety leadership team directions exactly

Bomb Threat Basics
Chapter members need to follow basic safety standards to ensure successful arrival at the safe location in the event of an emergency situation.  Members should assist guests in following evacuation procedures.

  • In the event of a bomb threat, all members should get up quietly from their chairs, leave their personal items in the suite and follow the suite chair out of the suite.
  • Chapter members will outside to the safe location.
  • The chapter secretary will take roll to verify all members at the meeting made it outside to the safe location.
  • The chapter suite chair and risk management chair will assist the chapter secretary in locating all members.
  • The chapter president will call Drury Security to alert them of the emergency situation. After security has been contacted, the chapter president will call the other chapter presidents to ensure that their chapters have made it to their safe location.
  • Once members and guests have all been accounted for and Drury Security has arrived to assess and handle the situation, the chapter president may release members to leave the area.

Bomb Threat Evacuation
If the decision is made to evacuate a building, everyone should be moved to an area at least 300 ft away from bomb disposal. Evacuated parties should remain in open areas and away from parked vehicles.

Tornado Threat

Tornado Watch
When a Tornado Watch is declared for Springfield, Missouri, this means that conditions are favorable for severe weather, which may include tornadoes. At this time, University Security personnel will monitor the weather alert radio and observe the weather; i.e., heavy rain, lightening, hail and possible funnel cloud formations.

The following staff members will be called and put on alert by Drury Security:

  • Residence Life Staff
  • Greek Life Staff

Tornado Warning
When a Tornado Warning is issued, it means that a funnel or tornado has been sighted in the area and Springfield is in its path. The city sirens will sound and the University will immediately proceed with the tornado emergency plan.

At this time, all students, faculty and staff will proceed to the designated shelter areas and will remain in those areas until the warning is over.

Student leaders and campus advisors should direct students to these shelter areas. The Security Office will contact all residence facilities and campus offices that are open.

Security will patrol the campus, informing anyone on campus of the warning, and directing him or her to the nearest place of safety. Security will open the doors in the lower level of Findlay Student Center and establish a Command Post in the Security Director’s Office.

Tornado Safety General Instructions

  • Avoid any area with glass windows, doors or mirrors.
  • Go to the lowest level of the building.
  • Take a flashlight, a battery operated radio and tune in to the emergency Broadcast System station (KTTS is primary, and KWTO is secondary).
  • If the tornado is upon you, crouch down and cover your head to avoid flying debris. (Most injuries and deaths in tornadoes occur from flying debris/glass.)

Tornado Safety Leadership Team
The safety leadership team is responsible for the training and execution of safety strategies relating to emergency situations.

  • Suite Chair: The suite chair leads members and guests from the suite to the safe location.
  • Risk Management Chair: The risk management chair assists the suite chair in leading members and guests from the suite to the safe location. The risk management chair is the last person to leave the suite.
  • Secretary: The secretary keeps attendance records on themselves at all times, and when the chapter reaches the safe location, takes attendance to verify all chapter members and guests are outside.
  • President: The chapter president oversees the evacuation strategy and assists the other members of the safety leadership team to ensure a smooth evacuation from the suite to the safe location. 

Tornado Safety Preparation & Review
The chapter safety leadership team reviews basic safety information in advance to prepare for any emergency situations. 

  • Review safety strategy and chapter safe location options
  • Practice safety strategy as a safety leadership team
  • Prepare chapter members by reviewing safety strategy during a chapter meeting
  • Remind chapter members to follow chapter safety leadership team directions exactly

Tornado Evacuation Basics
Chapter members need to follow basic safety standards to ensure successful arrival at the safe location in the event of an emergency situation.  Members should assist guests in following evacuation procedures.

  • When a tornado drill sounds, all members should get up quietly from their chairs, leave their personal items in the suite and follow the suite chair out of the suite.
  • Chapter members will proceed to the safe location.
  • Once in the safe location, the chapter secretary will take roll to verify all members made it outside to the safe location.
  • The chapter suite chair and risk management chair will assist the chapter secretary in locating all members.
  • The chapter president will call the other chapter presidents to ensure that their chapter has made it to their safe location.
  • Once Security has given the official notice that the tornado has cleared the area, the chapter president may release members to leave.

Tornado Safety Location
If you are in Freeman Panhellenic Hall during a Tornado, proceed to the interior lower level hallway or, if time permits, the basement of Findlay Student Center.


Fire Safety Leadership Team
The safety leadership team is responsible for the training and execution of safety strategies relating to emergency situations.

  • Suite Chair: The suite chair leads members and guests from the suite to the safe location.
  • Risk Management Chair: The risk management chair assists the suite chair in leading members and guests from the suite to the safe location. The risk management chair is the last person to leave the suite.
  • Secretary: The secretary keeps attendance records on themselves at all times, and when the chapter reaches the safe location, takes attendance to verify all chapter members and guests are outside.
  • President: The chapter president oversees the evacuation strategy and assists the other members of the safety leadership team to ensure a smooth evacuation from the suite to the safe location. 

Fire Safety Preparation & Review
The chapter safety leadership team reviews basic safety information in advance to prepare for any emergency situations. 

  • Review safety strategy and chapter safe location options
  • Practice safety strategy as a safety leadership team
  • Prepare chapter members by reviewing safety strategy during a chapter meeting
  • Remind chapter members to follow chapter safety leadership team directions exactly

Fire Evacuation General Instructions
Chapter members need to follow basic safety standards to ensure successful arrival at the safe location in the event of an emergency situation.  Members should assist guests in following evacuation procedures.

  • When a fire drill sounds, all members should get up quietly from their chairs, leave their personal items in the suite and follow the suite chair out of the suite.
  • Chapter members will proceed to the safe location.
  • The chapter secretary will take roll to verify all members made it outside to the safe location.
  • The chapter suite chair and risk management chair will assist the chapter secretary in locating all members.
  • The chapter president will call Drury Security to alert them of the emergency situation. After security has been contacted, the chapter president will call the other chapter presidents to ensure that their chapters have made it to their safe location.
  • Once members and guests have all been accounted for and Drury Security has arrived to assess and handle the situation, the chapter president may release members to leave the area.

Fire Safety Exit Strategy
Delta Delta Delta: Exit through the FRONT suite door (if possible) and travel down the RIGHT side of the front stairs in a single file line.  If available, exit through the Right Front Door (if not, alternate with ZTA to exit through the LEFT front door).  The DDD safe location is in FSC parking lot, west side.  Ensure all members remain 20 ft from the Panhellenic Building.

Kappa Delta: Exit through the BACK suite door (if possible) and travel to the exit door between KD suite and the 5th suite.  Stay to the right side of the hallway.  Alternate with Pi Phi to exit through this door.  The KD safe location is in Smith Parking lot, west side.  Ensure all members remain 20 ft from the Panhellenic Building.

Pi Beta Phi: Exit through the FRONT suite door (if possible) and travel down the back stairs to the exit door between the KD suite and the 5th suite.  Alternate with KD to exit through this door.  The Pi Phi safe location is in Smith Parking lot, east side.  Ensure all members remain 20 ft from the Panhellenic Building.

Zeta Tau Alpha: Exit through the FRONT suite door (if possible) and travel down the LEFT side of the front stairs in a single file line.  If available, exit through the Left Front Door (if not, alternate with DDD to exit through the RIGHT front door).  The ZTA safe location is in FSC parking lot, east side.  Ensure all members

Medical Emergency

Medical Emergency Leadership Team
The safety leadership team is responsible for the training and execution of safety strategies relating to emergency situations.

  • Suite Chair: The suite chair contacts Drury Security in a medical emergency to alert them of the situation and tell them where the medical emergency is, including building and room.  The suite chair will let Drury Security know if the risk management chair has contacted emergency personnel, if applicable.   After Drury Security has been contacted, the Suite chair calls the Panhellenic Advisor or the Panhellenic Immediate Answer Contact.
  • Risk Management Chair: The risk management chair contacts emergency personnel, if needed, via 911 to alert them of the situation.  Drury Security will meet the ambulance and direct them to the building.
  • Secretary: The secretary calms chapter members and removes them from the situation to provide adequate space for medical personnel and care of the medical emergency person.
  • President: The chapter president should find and designate a ‘first aid trained member’ to assist the medical emergency person.  The chapter president also oversees the medical emergency situation and assists the other members of the safety leadership team to ensure effective care for the medical emergency person. 
  • First Aid Trained Member: A member of the chapter that is trained in or comfortable with first aid procedures should administer care to the medical emergency person. 

Medical Emergency Preparation & Review
The chapter safety leadership team reviews basic safety information in advance to prepare for any emergency situations. 

  • Review safety strategy and chapter medical emergency safety options
  • Practice safety strategy as a safety leadership team
  • Prepare chapter members by reviewing safety strategy during a chapter meeting
  • Remind chapter members to follow chapter safety leadership team directions exactly

Medical Emergency Safety Basics: General Members
Chapter members need to follow basic safety standards to ensure successful arrival at the safe location in the event of an emergency situation.  Members should assist guests in following evacuation procedures.

  • In a medical emergency, depending on the severity of the situation all members not involved in the situation should follow the leadership of the suite chair.
    • Minor Emergency: not-involved members should continue on with normal business as the person involved in the medical emergency is removed from the suite or taken to an area that is not currently occupied.
    • Major Emergency: not-involved members should follow the suite chair out of the suite into an alternate location determined by the chapter safety leadership team.  This will clear the medical emergency area to provide space to care for the person(s) involved in the emergency.
  • The chapter suite chair will keep members in the alternate location until approval is given by the chapter president to leave the area.

Medical Emergency Safety Basics: Leadership Team
Chapter leaders need to follow basic safety standards to ensure successful arrival at the safe location in the event of an emergency situation.  Members should assist guests in following evacuation procedures.

  • In a medical emergency, depending on the severity of the situation all members involved in the situation should follow assist the first-aid trained member to care for the person involved in the medical emergency.
    • Minor Emergency: involved members can administer care to the medical emergency person and encourage the person to restore their health before resuming normal activities.
    • Major Emergency: involved members can administer care to the medical emergency person and encourage the person to remain calm until professional medical teams arrive to assess and handle the situation.
  • The chapter president should contact the suite chair when the si

Active Shooter

Active Shooter Leadership Team
The safety leadership team is responsible for the training and execution of safety strategies relating to emergency situations.

  • Suite Chair: The suite chair locks the doors in the suite or begins leading chapter members and guests to an alternate safe location.
  • Risk Management Chair: The risk management chair calls Security to alert them of the situation.  The risk management chair assists the suite chair in leading members and guests from the suite to the safe location, if outside of the suite. The risk management chair is the last person to leave the suite.
  • Secretary: The secretary keeps attendance records on themselves at all times, and when the chapter reaches the safe location, takes attendance to verify all chapter members and guests are present.
  • President: The chapter president oversees the safety strategy and assists the other members of the safety leadership team to ensure a smooth transition to a safety location (either in the suite or at an alternate location).

Active Shooter Safety Preparation & Review
The chapter safety leadership team reviews basic safety information in advance to prepare for any emergency situations. 

  • Review safety strategy and chapter safe location options
  • Practice safety strategy as a safety leadership team
  • Prepare chapter members by reviewing safety strategy during a chapter meeting
  • Remind chapter members to follow chapter safety leadership team directions exactly

Active Shooter Safety Location Basics
Chapter members need to follow basic safety standards to ensure successful arrival at the safe location in the event of an emergency situation.  Members should assist guests in following evacuation procedures.

  • When an active shooter drill sounds, all chapter members should seek shelter in a room and lock the door. Try to remain out of sight and behind a substantial structure.
  • If leaving the suite/safe location becomes a necessity, chapter members will proceed to the safe location.
  • Once in the safe location, the chapter secretary will take roll to verify all members made it outside to the safe location.
  • The chapter suite chair and risk management chair will assist the chapter secretary in locating all members.
  • After security has been contacted, the chapter president will call the other chapter presidents to ensure that their chapters have made it to their safe location.
  • When police and security offices are clearing the building, keep your hands in the air and clearly visible.
  • Once Security has given the official notice that the active shooter has cleared the area, the chapter president may release members to leave.